Main Gallery Page
Main Gallery Index
Crescent Moon
Gibbous Moon
Comet Hale Bopp
Comet Hyakutake
Double Cluster
Globular Cluster M2
Globular Cluster M5 (CCD)
Globular Cluster M5 (film)
Globular Cluster M10
Open Cluster M11
Globular Cluster M12
Globular Cluster M13 (20" CDK)
Globular Cluster M13 (14" RC)
Globular Cluster M13 (12.5" RC)
Globular Cluster M13 (film)
Globular Cluster M14
The Pleiades M45
Globular Cluster M92
NGC 225 and Vdb 4 Sailboat Cluster
Owl Cluster NGC 457